Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So, this is how one 'Blogs'!

Today is our fifty-sixth wedding anniversery and I just got back from Panera's Bakery, where Grandpa took me out to lunch... it was delicious! Since I've been on a new eating plan for a couple of weeks, I decided that just for lunch I'd take a break and go out to eat.

I just can't believe how fast the years have gone by; but looking back at all the things we've done and places we've been, not to mention the rearing of eight wonderful children, I guess it does take that many years to accomplish! We often wonder how things would have changed if we had (or had not) made the choices that we did in our lives; or if our parents had made different choices, such as church, moving, etc., our lives would have been totally different as we probably would never have met. When we look at things in that light, choices truely do make a difference.

This week, in Fremont, has been pretty normal for us... attended church, had FHE on Monday, Tuesday: with Grandpa's help, vacuumed all the floors (which hadn't been done for a few weeks), changed the beds, cleaned the bathrooms and moped their floors, did the laundry, and then decided that that was enough! Today, Wednesday: did some DUP stuff, went to lunch, and wrote in my new Blog for the first time. I think I'll work on Lisa/Gavin's new baby blanket for an hour or so... Lisa is the next one due, and is expecting a baby boy the first week in March, with Trinity/Curtis not far behind them with their new baby girl... so I'd better get sewing!!

I'll try to do 'California updates ' each week, but don't hold your breath!


Mom said...

Mom, what a wonderful post... you are now officially a "blogger"!!! :-D

Happy Anniversary! We, too, are VERY glad that you and Dad (and your families) made all the choices that you did! It sounds like you had a very nice day.

We love you!

Candace said...

Happy Anniversary!! What a wonderful legacy you have built over those 56 years! Thank you! I have my husband partly because of YOU! :) Happy blogging!

Erika Cluff said...

I am so happy you decided to join the blogging world. It's kind of a nice way to keep in touch with everyone. Congrats on the 56 years - you have much to be proud of!

Emily and John said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Were you talking about Panara Bread? That place is GOOD!!! :D Healthy too!